Pick your own Raspberries!
Our fall raspberries are ready. Picking is good, but we are NOT picking every day, please call 905-335-2515 for an up to the minute picking update!
Fall raspberries last until the first frost
It's the heart of our tomato season!
We have our delicious Heirlooms, nearly 2 dozen varieties, Cherries (love those Sungolds!), Romas, our classic Field Tomatoes, and yes, we even have green tomatoes.
Roma's and San Marzano's by the half bushel
Supply and demand has evened out, meaning we often, but not always, have plum tomatoes available for sale. Best to call to confirm availability, we will set your order aside for 24 hrs, 905-335-2515.
Heirloom Carrots
Like most heirloom varieties, our carrots come in all colours of the rainbow, are shaped funny, and taste delicious!
Pumpkins...coming soon!
Available this fall